(macroexpand 'brain)

📅 2024-10-01 @ 14:24
Attain knowledge to level up only to end up spawning more idiots all around you, such is life.

📅 2024-09-19 @ 17:46
Relative and absolute arguments are incompatible, there is no way to bridge them and preserve a coherent discussion.

📅 2024-09-13 @ 11:26
We all do what we must to distract ourselves from the fact that we are no longer young.

📅 2024-09-05 @ 07:48
The simpler my pleasures the greater my wealth.

📅 2024-08-26 @ 20:00
Life is only deemed precious in times when doing so is considered affordable.

📅 2024-08-25 @ 11:37
The promise of a rainy day is to do pretty much nothing without feeling too bad about it.

📅 2024-08-19 @ 08:07
My age just caught up with my shoe size, now what?

📅 2024-08-18 @ 21:16
Adventure never did meet Comfort.

📅 2024-08-16 @ 09:18
Extremism is taking the easy path.

📅 2024-08-16 @ 09:17
Even when less is more, just about right remains just about right.

📅 2024-08-16 @ 09:12
Even though you are just an extra in most peoples lives at least you made it to the big screen.

📅 2024-08-13 @ 09:59
Let the extra kilos go, if they were ever truly love handles they will find their way back.

📅 2024-08-09 @ 13:07
Egoists are particulary narrow minded humanists.

📅 2024-08-08 @ 08:34
In the fight between heart and mind the mind is left wondering what the hell just happened.

📅 2024-08-07 @ 18:03
Sometimes it feels like I don't have enough time for my watch collection!

📅 2024-08-03 @ 12:03
Teaching myself moderation might be my most extreme endeavour to date.

📅 2024-07-19 @ 17:23
With knowledge comes dissapointment in others.

📅 2024-07-07 @ 22:14
That which is practical is never going to be sexy, these qualities are just incongruent.

📅 2024-07-01 @ 22:49
A firm opinion is only possible with a weak analysis.

📅 2024-07-01 @ 08:43
Had your life come with history commands would you be more inclined to undo or redo?

📅 2024-06-25 @ 22:22
Risk and reward have very differing densities.

📅 2024-06-21 @ 20:57
Most life choices are not dressed up as choices at all!

📅 2024-06-21 @ 11:12
Life is a struggle between what you want to do, what people around you expect you to do and what yet unwritten history books might want you to do.

📅 2024-06-17 @ 08:01
If the younger generation believe the older generation to be dinosaurs they ought to be more careful.

📅 2024-06-14 @ 22:08
Lies are on average longer and more wordy than truths, beware of long winding explanations.

📅 2024-06-14 @ 11:22
The more abstract and complex the problem the more assertive and certain the problem solver yielding complexity as a shield against any critisism of the proposed solution.

📅 2024-06-13 @ 09:29
Perfection only exists in the abscence of competition.

📅 2024-06-11 @ 15:16
It's perculiar how most of the things that make life enjoyable is also going to kill you in the end.

📅 2024-06-10 @ 12:57
No matter how much a man learns it won't make a dent on the mountain of ignorance he carries on his back.