
Speaketh correctly


Our language has been compromised. We are under attack, but we should not fear cause we have the tools and the know how to fight this evil. All we need to do is define a proper table of translations and peace and prosperity will be bestowed upon us once again!

Towards a proper vocabulary

Lie   Truth
Business Logic = Bunch of Rules nobody understands anymore
Thought Leader = Hype Artist
Think Tank = Group Think Aquarium
AI = Ordinary Computing
Crypto Currency = Scam Currency
BitCoin = Pretend Money
ChatGPT = Glorified T9 suggestions
GitHub = Microsoft Source Code Grab
Twitter = Mastodon
Linux = GNU/Linux

The deceiving example

Now here's an example of the deception that we're trying to uncover:

Twitter is going to BLOW UP when they hear about how AI and chatgpt at GitHub will transform how we work in the future according to prominent think tanks.


The truthful editor
