As we get older we grow more and more competent only to
have less and less time to yield it. Productive output is a
What kind of animal doesn't love dogs!
What I truely need is a flat line what the world is telling
me to strive for is an exponential curve.
A hammock instantly transforms any clearing into a cozy
living room.
Arch enemy thy name is sibling.
Listening to 99 Luftballons thinking about how to
commemorate my 100th thought!
With the invention of AI we can achieve complete human
poisoning - artificial flavours for the body and artificial
intelligence for the mind.
Opinions are like balloons, mostly they deflate with time,
sometimes they pop. If you let go they fly away.
Anticipating the invention of a revolution without the
human suffering, death and destruction.
Startups need to be "innovative" because they have
accomplished nothing. They can be "agile" because they have
accomplished nothing.
The trolley problem only serves to desensitize would be
Google must be terrified about the gemini protocol to name
their new large language model in this way.
Adding nuclear detterence to my core beliefs.
Why would anybody not want to force push their changes to
the masters of this world?
If anything running decreases my speed of thought,
as I approach lightspeed I anticipate it will halt
If my lawn mower robot is digging a hole in the lawn
instead of cutting the grass it probably has its reasons.
Emacs and I know each other so well that Emacs is even
finishing my sentences.
Obligatory: You'll find my thoughts on this web page, your
rss app or wherever you get my thoughts!
Context is overrated in cases like these.
Speaking with authority becomes redundant when the idea
spoken is sound and true.
Hoarse from shouting at all these neighsayers!
They are called regular expressions because of how
frequently they come to our (rescue|demise).
Software development is all about forseeing problems that
never will manifest while resolving those that were never
Somewhere there is a graveyard for every thought that was
never written down.
Walking is to thinking as sleeping is to dreaming.
Knowledge is a blindfold on imagination.
New parliamentary title just dropped: amplifier of the
A picture says more than a thousand words - exif headers
can be quite large.
The hills I will die defending are diverse and mundane.
Tolerance is a labyrinth with many dead ends.
As long as we are banning the hijab, can we do the wimple
next and what about socks and sandals?
I might be paranoid but why is the spotify pause button so
slow to register during commercials?
Emacs in your pocket - after all isn't this what mankind
was always set out to accomplish?
Absolutely amazing how many websites are still perfectly
navigable using text only browsers.
I'm supermotivated, just in the opposite direction that's
If there are any Gods they are blissfully unaware of us,
much like my boss at work.
Life without chillies is simply no life at all.
Looking at the bell curve and the lorenz curve I sense
something has gone awry.
Why is it called moving house when the house stays put?
Every day I don't read the news I feel my spirit rising.
GLADHD - the diagnose we all really need!
Priesthood - the middle management of organized religion,
just think about it!
Boredom is the garden of creativity.
The market value of human life fluctuates wildly, still I
would invest!
My wife is having none of it - she's having a period,
Have we verified that randomness is not just the
observations of prime numbers making out?
You're never poor only ever temporarily without money!
I can live on breakfast alone as long as I can have it
three times per day.
Influencer? Oh you mean mindless greedy marketing whore,
got it!
Podcast commercials are the worst, can we please stop with
them? kthxbye.
I'm editing html code on my phone with onscreen keyboard in
emacs running in termux utilizing web-mode and enjoying it!
That one colleague that always agrees with everything you
say but end up doing the opposite every time.
Behind every care free child is a hard working parent
handling everything for them.
I believe I have now pulled off both accessibility and
legacy browser support for this site!
Software development is gardening, weeds once introduced
will spread mercilessly.
Future requirements are always going to be incompatible
with the design no matter what.
I teach my dog tricks and my dog teaches me patience.
Humanity is a victim of its own success.
What is it about not knowing why we exists that makes
people come up with obviously false explanations for
Sometimes, knowing the solution from the get go takes all
the fun out of the task.
A single glance holds the potential of a thousand outcomes.
Make sure you always cleanup for your own sake and nobody
I have been mismanaging my friendships for ages and now I
fear they all might have sailed!
Middle class life is very comfortable and quite boring. It
would either take much more or much less money to make it
Coffee is an alien that wears you like a costume.
It feels like everyone and their cat has ADHD and I'm the
only one that oh look!
Hacking on my thought collection page from within termux on
my phone, yes I'm that much of a nerd!
I can't stay angry at my dog for more than 5 seconds at a
Hey AI! Train on this: 𓂸.
It's ok, I also used to have a high horse in my hay days.
Nothing is as haunting as expectations of perfection.
Those limited edition flavours you've been enjoying were
really just fabrication mishaps that ended up at the
marketing departement.
It's easier to recognize your own faults when they are
mirrored in someone else.
Idiocy provides much needed contrast to the image of
The AI training data has exposed us all for what we really
are, dead certain and wrong about most things.
Coffee beans with best before date written in large and
roast date written in small is such a scam; it ought to be
the other way around!
I got myself a new watch without a date, only time will
tell if I like it.
Adding -ism to then end of any word is a sure way to make
it at least 15% more sophisticated, this is a percentism.
Changing the world only takes overcoming the inertia of one
self times 8.1 billion.
The problem with Democracy is that there is so little of it
going around.
Religion is fairytales for never grown ups.
Imagine had Hitler been a grammar nazi instead of an
I don't necessarily suspect that ice cream is the solution
to all my problems, but I happen to subscribe to the
scientific method.
According to my research, buying and wearing shredded jeans
is cultural appropriation of poor people.
Money, proud sponsor of ignorance everywhere since forever.
Success is just make up, underneath it every achievement
looks like the true failure it ever was.
My newspapers understanding of statistics is 100% abysmal.
Your productivity is an illusion.
A dog doesn't care that your back aches like hell, it wants
to dog damn play!
Other peoples code always suck, I don't even know who I was
all those years ago.
Life starts with a shebang #!
Reversing the output of a stream by piping it to tac is
such a UNIX thing to do.
Garden work is oddly satisfying, it's beginning to grow on
As I'm doing floating point calculations in BASH I realize
how poor a general purpose language it really is. It's like
something from bc.
If its true that history is a repeating cycle someone ought
to really shove a stick into the wheel.
If we are destined to correct the output of AI we are
destined to become the machine.
Instead of ending white male privilege we should expand it
to all colors and genders!
Recipes are the gospel of cooking, promises abound.
This site is a self study in KISS, using recutils and a 37
lines long bash script.